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Project coordination and Technical consultation for the participation of ADK in the support program for "electronic business advancement"

ADK Consulting Engineers offers integrated Consulting Engineering services – design, supervision, project management and technical assistance - that cover all fields of developmental and technical projects.

The company in its continuous commitment to technological advancement has decided to upgrade its information systems infrastructure by adopting innovative and state of the art technologies. The overall project specifications coincide with the guidelines of the support program for electronic business advancement “e-pixeireite” of the Greek Information Society, which ADK has decided to join.

The proposed investment includes the acquisition of the following information systems and respective hardware:

1) Human Resources Management System
2) Electronic Document and Workflow Management     Systems
3) Project Management System
4) Advanced Computer Aided Design (CAD) Systems

Forward e-business will be responsible for the overall project coordination and technical consultation in the following areas:

1) Request for Proposal (RFP) preparation
2) Requirements Analysis & Gap/Fit analysis
3) Project management
4) Compatibility & interoperability with legacy systems
5) Compliance with the specifications of ISO 9001     certification

Forward e-business has also undertaken the implementation of the Electronic Document and Workflow Management Systems (EDMS & WFMS) for the automation of business processes on both the intranet and the extranet levels.

Our goal is to implement an integrated and fully co-operational environment for the management of business knowledge, consisting of harmoniously interoperating, internet enabled applications based on multi-tier architecture that will provide access to a central repository from a distributed environment.

The project aims at improved operational efficiency, management and dissemination of business knowledge; reduced physical documents circulation and enhanced production process. Achieving superior communication and collaboration in the internal organization as well as with partners in Greece and abroad will be considered with at most importance.